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by | Oct 18, 2011 | Blog, Pop Culture, Video Games

In the whirlwind of the Columbus Marathon—yes, that glorious event where I pushed my body to the brink and somehow survived—I’ve found myself swept up in a tornado of ego-boosting press coverage. And let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like seeing your name in print to make you feel simultaneously invincible and utterly disoriented. It’s that kind of buzz that leaves you wondering if you’re walking on air or just in a perpetual state of wobble. Combine that with the general anarchy that is my life, which I can only describe as waddling-like-a-duck (don’t ask me to explain, just go with it), and you’ve got a recipe for chaos.

In the midst of all this madness, my mind has been buzzing with ideas for my next Foogos creations. But, like a well-meaning New Year’s resolution, it’s been more talk than action. You know how it goes—grand plans, ambitious visions, and then… life. So, instead of diving headfirst into a new Foogos masterpiece, I’ve taken a step back and indulged in some good old-fashioned “regular” art.

TANGENT: Seriously, what is a “waddles-like-a-duck life”? I have no idea, but it feels right. It’s bizarre, unpredictable, and somehow charming in its own awkward way—much like a duck trying to navigate dry land.

Anyway, back to the art. There’s something incredibly therapeutic about acrylic painting, especially when the subject matter takes me back to the pixelated glory days of Super Mario Bros.. There’s a unique joy in translating those iconic 8-bit characters onto canvas, bringing them to life with bold colors and deliberate brushstrokes. Whether it’s Mario triumphantly jumping over a Goomba or Luigi looking dapper as ever, these pieces serve as a nostalgic escape from the whirlwind outside.

In these moments, when life feels more like a chaotic dance than a well-choreographed routine, it’s comforting to retreat into the simplicity of painting. It’s not about deadlines or press coverage—it’s just about the pure joy of creation. So, while my Foogos plans simmer on the back burner, I’m happily losing myself in a world of acrylics, canvas, and pixelated memories.

Who knows? Maybe this detour into “regular” art will inspire my next Foogos project. Or maybe I’ll just keep waddling along, one quirky step at a time. Either way, it’s all part of the bizarre, beautiful journey that is my life.