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REVIEW: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (and others…)

by | Jun 1, 2012 | Blog, Movies, Pop Culture, Review

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a heartwarming exploration of aging, second chances, and the unexpected joys of embracing change. Directed by John Madden and featuring a stellar cast, including Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith, and Dev Patel, the film delves into the lives of a group of British retirees who embark on a journey to India, seeking a fresh start in their golden years. What they find is far from what they expected, but it’s exactly what they need.

A Vibrant Setting for New Beginnings

The film is set against the colorful, chaotic backdrop of Jaipur, India. The city’s vibrant energy is a stark contrast to the characters’ more sedate lives in the UK, symbolizing the drastic changes they’re about to undergo. The Marigold Hotel, which they’ve been led to believe is a luxurious retirement home, turns out to be a dilapidated yet charming establishment run by the optimistic and ambitious Sonny (Dev Patel). The hotel’s faded grandeur mirrors the retirees themselves, who each carry their own burdens and regrets but are still full of potential and life.

An Ensemble Cast That Shines

The strength of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel lies in its ensemble cast, each bringing depth and nuance to their roles. Judi Dench is poignant as Evelyn, a recently widowed woman finding her way in a world without her husband. Her journey from timid widow to a confident woman embracing her independence is beautifully portrayed. Bill Nighy and Penelope Wilton play a married couple whose relationship is tested by their new surroundings, revealing long-buried resentments and ultimately leading to a crossroads.

Maggie Smith provides sharp wit and humor as Muriel, a former housekeeper with a prejudiced outlook that softens as she discovers the kindness of those around her. Tom Wilkinson’s character, Graham, carries a quieter, more reflective storyline, dealing with unresolved issues from his past in India. Each character is given their own arc, allowing the film to explore various facets of aging and the universal desire for fulfillment and happiness.

A Balance of Humor and Heart

The film expertly balances humor with more serious themes. While it doesn’t shy away from the challenges of aging, including financial difficulties, loneliness, and health issues, it approaches these topics with a lightness that makes them relatable without being overwhelming. The characters’ cultural clashes and misunderstandings with their new environment provide much of the film’s humor, but these moments are handled with sensitivity, never resorting to cheap jokes.

Sonny’s infectious enthusiasm and relentless optimism are central to the film’s tone. His belief that everything will work out in the end – “Everything will be all right in the end… if it’s not all right, then it’s not yet the end” – becomes a mantra that resonates throughout the film, inspiring both the characters and the audience.

A Film About Life’s Second Act

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is more than just a film about retirement; it’s about the possibility of renewal at any age. It’s about letting go of the past, embracing the unknown, and finding joy in the unexpected. The film’s message is clear: life doesn’t end at a certain age – it’s full of opportunities for growth, love, and adventure, no matter how old you are.


In a cinematic landscape often dominated by youthful protagonists, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel stands out as a celebration of life’s later chapters. It’s a film that offers laughter, tears, and a reminder that it’s never too late to start over. With its stellar cast, engaging storylines, and beautiful setting, it’s a journey worth taking, whether you’re approaching your own golden years or simply looking for a story that speaks to the resilience of the human spirit.

For those who enjoyed this film, exploring similar movies like Quartet or The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel might also offer a satisfying continuation of themes centered around aging, community, and second chances. These films, much like The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, provide a refreshing perspective on the joys and challenges that come with growing older.