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Foogos on The Clink Room

by | Apr 26, 2012 | Blog

Lo and behold, today I get to work at the ripe hour of 3PM with an uncanny spike in numbers. Did Barry Melrose forward my NHL Western Conference Semifinals picks to the entire ESPN office? Maybe Lady Gaga FINALLY wised up and is ready to fall in love.

No, it’s better than all of that. (Well, not better than Gaga loving me.)

Remember the Sea Goats logo I created a few months back (and the absurd short story that went along with it)? I was inspired to create my own fictitious logos after stumbling across a terrific site – The Clink Room – that does the same.

I visited their page today to find a little spotlight on my work! It’s always invigorating to read/hear good things. Among the Clinkers’ gracious words are:

“Weird, amazing, and completely mind-blowing.”

Mission accomplished, threefold. And then:

If someone knows Scott or can reach him, please convey to him that we’ll hook him up with Clink swag if he sends us a rendition of Clink Kong done in pencil shavings, raw hamburger, and grape jelly. And just to be sure, let it be known, we’re dead-ass serious.

Sigh… I’m not looking forward to eating a pencil burger and jelly sandwich, but if free stuff is involved, sure. Here is a list of worse things I’ve consumed:

1. A dog biscuit slathered with Soft Soap. Why? I DON’T KNOW. I’m just glad this was about ten minutes before YouTube came out and none of my friends have any sense of ambition.

2. Paint water. I used to feel bad for using good water to clean my paint brushes, so I drank the water afterward. It’s not like I was poor. I just didn’t want to hurt the water’s feelings.

3. A jellyfish. For $100.

4. A couple slices of Golden Crust pizza that was in our garbage up at school in Providence. The outside garbage. In my defense, I was drunk, but my attorney won’t ever let me take the stand, because I would go out of my way to say that even if I was sober, I would have done it. Like now.

5. A heaping spoonful of wet dog food. This was during WrestleMania. Again, no good reason. And frankly, I don’t think this is that bad. Food is food.