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by | Aug 27, 2011 | Blog

My good friend Antonio – he really is an all-around good guy to have in your corner – is getting married on New Year’s Eve. At first, I was a bit bummed at the date, because if I’m not in an NHL city partaking in the annual Winter Classic, I like to go back home to the beach, jump in the frigid Atlantic for good luck amid howling gusts of wind blasting sand into my face, and then consuming as many alcoholic beverages it takes to warm up.And then two things dawned on me: One, I’ve missed too many weddings for one reason or another. Working in California, working in New Jersey, going to a bachelor party in Myrtle Beach (okay, that one was a good decision). And two, it would be a much more epic adventure to jump into icy ocean waters on the morning of New Year’s Eve in south Jersey, then make the 150 mile trek north for the wedding that night. (And assuming Hurricane Irene doesn’t sink us this weekend, that’s EXACTLY what I’ma do.)

TANGENT: I’m also really bummed that the governor has ordered an evacuation of all barrier islands, including mine, which means that not only will I not get to lifeguard on the beach this weekend, but that I might get the treat of a waterlogged house, too. Hooray!

Now the other thing that peed in my cereal. Antonio asked if I could come up with a sort of logo for the big day, combining his first initial with that of his bride-to-be. I said I would, but I’m such a Debbie Downer, and didn’t really want to, partly because he wanted the logo to have a New Jersey Devils influence to it.

I finally came around and embraced this project for what it should be – a friend reaching out to give me a special inclusion in his wedding – and not what it appeared to be – more work. And I figured that I’d share it here.I’m not sure how I feel about it just yet, but the bride and groom are happy, and that’s what really matters. Oh, and Antonio, you owe me rodizio!