Week Links: October 23, 2011

IT’S SORTA FOOD RELATED This week has been a rough one—thanks to the aftermath of the Columbus Marathon, I’ve been feeling like absolute doodie. To top it all off, I’ve caught some sort of bug that’s left me in a state of perpetual blah. But hey,...
Next Time, Gadget!

Next Time, Gadget!

I had a fantastic idea for a video to accompany this piece. The plan was simple: head over to Sbarro’s in Times Square, indulge in their $8.99 all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet, and capture the whole experience on camera. I was all set to share the greasy glory with...


When you think of iconic superhero teams, the X-Men probably come to mind—heroes with extraordinary powers fighting for a world that fears and misunderstands them. But what if I told you there’s a team just as powerful, but with a culinary twist? Enter the Mex-Men—a...
My New World Series Prediction

My New World Series Prediction

Back in July, I confidently declared that the Philadelphia Phillies would win the World Series. I now stand here, emphatically incorrect. The Phillies, despite their strong roster, didn’t make the run I expected, and my prediction has crumbled like a poorly stuffed...


In the whirlwind of the Columbus Marathon—yes, that glorious event where I pushed my body to the brink and somehow survived—I’ve found myself swept up in a tornado of ego-boosting press coverage. And let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like seeing your name in...