Catwoman (Lee Meriwether)

When it comes to the iconic figure of Catwoman, few performances have left as lasting an impression as Lee Meriwether’s portrayal. Known for her role as the feline anti-heroine in the 1966 film “Batman: The Movie,” Meriwether brought a unique charm and...

How I Love Martin Brodeur

So I was saving this one for the first Foogos art show, but since who the hell knows what’s going on with that, and considering Martin Brodeur just backstopped the New Jersey Devils to a 4-0 shutout over the Florida Panthers for his 101st playoff victory, I figured...

Crosbaby Food

I hate hate hate hate hate Sidney Crosby. And it’s not even because I’m jealous of his success or he’s so good or blah blah blah. Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely (and annoyingly) mythic to miss ten months, then come back and drop 4 points in your return. It’s...


When my buddy Brad approached me to create a piece of art for his bedroom, his request was simple: “a beach scene.” At first, I cringed at the idea. A beach scene? It felt like the epitome of cliché, the kind of artwork you’d find in a generic hotel room...

Snoochie Boochies!

A year ago today, I was on a flight from Los Angeles to New York, reflecting on the exhilarating experience of wrapping my first feature film project. The film in question? Red State, a gripping “political horror” indie directed by none other than one of my creative...