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Flashback: Peanut Butter & Jelly & Ottawa

by | Oct 17, 2011 | Blog, NHL, Sport

In some regards, the Ottawa Senators Foogos I created in February is still one of my favorites. At the time, it was BY FAR the longest time I had ever spent on one of these twisted logos. I took great pains in paying attention to the details. The tedium was as tedious as tediums get. I even passed on free center ice hockey tickets to complete the piece. At the time, the New Jersey Devils were in the early stages of a miracle run of wins after a horrid first half of the season that ultimately just fell short of a playoff berth… so I guess it wasn’t a miracle run at all. Semantics. Whatever.

(I’m pretty sure the game I skipped was against the Florida Panthers.)


TANGENT: To date, I think only the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pizza has taken longer to create.

The Senators piece was also the first in which I really pushed myself to think outside the box. No plate. No butcher’s paper. The canvas would also be a part of the art this time, 16 slices of white bread, crusts cut in order to make more square-like shapes. (Additional bread and the surgically removed crusts all filled in more of the gaps that showed the ugly blue drafting table, which are still visible along the edges.The bread and jam (Stop & Shop brand strawberry and grape flavors) were compliments of my friend John, who owed me for some design project I did for him, though for the life of me, I can’t remember what. It may have been the logo for his blog, Dating’s a Game.

I only wish I had taken better photographs, because even after I play with the levels in Photoshop to color-correct the pics, they’re either too hot or still a bit muddy. Guess I’ll just have to make another one… And on that note, you can probably expect more PB&J Foogos inspired by this art.