One of the fun things about this project is finding new logos to Foogosize. Logos you might not expect. I mean, initially, the goal was to recreate every NHL logo and call it a day. Granted, that mission has yet to be fulfilled. [For everyone keeping score I’ve got 13 primaries, a secondary (Chicago), retired alternate (Calgary) and six other defunct logos.] But the expansion of this – in addition to being a little intimidating – is a friggin’ blast.
And so begins my foray into minor league hockey logos. To start, I’m going with one of my personal favorites, the Providence Bruins. The logo itself may not be anything too special, since it’s a knockoff of the Boston Bruins logo. But therein lies the charm. Providence is the AHL affiliate (“farm club” for you non-sports fans) for Boston, so the logo represents continuity.
That’s something I learned to appreciate from Hall of Famer Lou Lamoriello. For a player to throw on an AHL jersey of the same name and look as the parent NHL club, its breeds a sense of familiarity and engenders a connection to the organization. Makes sense to me, even if it is a little boring.
Once again, Coffey (no relation to Paul) looks on, hoping for some scraps. He got a few bits of turkey for his troubles.
Secondly, I graduated from Providence College, and the P-Bruins are the local team, so every time I hear their name, I’m taken back to my time working at Antonio’s Pizza, or getting stabbed or jumped by a few thugs at a bar or my house burning down in 2002. Ah… college. Good times.
FYI: the P-Bruins were brought into the city for the 1992-93 season, having relocated from Maine. (Coincidentally, the Maine Mariners, former moniker of the B’s, will probably be my next minor league Foogos.)
I made this guy on Thanksgiving night, after the Buffalo Bills Foogos, and possibly in the wee hours of Black Friday. (Whatever time it was, I’m sure there were plenty of idiots waiting on lines for sales they could cash in on right now.)
I used about three cups of mushrooms – uncut, so it was probably under 2 dozen before I sliced them up like Ninja Gaiden – a bit of stuffing, and a lot of leftover, mostly white turkey meat, that I pulled apart with my fingers.
When it was all said and done, I had a pair of greasy hands and filthy fingernails. One of these days, I’m going to post some photos of my post-work gnarly hands.
I ran out of butcher paper to lay across the counter to collect any stray mess that didn’t quite reach the dog’s grasp, so I dropped some newspaper down there, which is why you can see a T-Mobile ad in the bottom left corner of the image. That annoyed me at first, but I think I may end up using the faint newspaper image as a standard background element going forward. Might be some cool possibilities there, just like the possibilities of knocking out some more minor league logos.