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Kevin Smith Sketch

by | Oct 29, 2011 | Blog, Movies, News, Pop Culture, Portrait

So many projects in various stages… Here’s the first sketch I did for a Kevin Smith portrait. It needs some work, but it’s the right track. I already have the medium (it won’t be condiments) I plan on using in mind. We’ll see how this goes.

Incidentally, if you have no plans on this Halloween Saturday night, check out Kevin’s Red State on Netflix, or however you rent your movies. It’s starts off the way you’d expect a classic teen slasher flick to go, but takes sudden, sharp turns before coming to an abrupt halt. Kinda like a good coaster. Red State has been labeled a “political horror,” and the scariness is how close to truth this piece of fiction really is.

This film was the first Hollywood project I ever worked on, and after being on set every day of the shoot, I’ve developed a bit of an attachment to this little flick. Check it out and leave a comment here with what you thought. I’m curious to hear people’s opinions on this one.