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Lime Green Lantern

by | Aug 29, 2011 | Blog, Comics, Movies

While I was trapped over the weekend, I got a lot of Foogos done.

Here’s DC Comics’ Green Lantern logo, made entirely of limes and rinds.The original plan was to use sliced limes for the green, slice lemons for the white (represented here by the fleshy parts of the lime). I think it would have looked stunning, and I may come back to that idea at some point, but there is no way Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart, Guy Gardner or Kyler Rayner – collectively known as Earth’s Green Lanterns – would ever approve of anything yellow in their logo.

For those of you who aren’t blessed enough to be comicbook nerds, the color yellow is the Green Lantern’s only weakness. Fo’ realz. The guy can dream up anything to save the day, but if Donkey Kong sped down the street in a cab filled with bananas and Pittsburgh Streelers’ urine samples (for performance enhancement drug testing), a collision with the Lantern might kill the guy. So sad…