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Next Time, Gadget!

by | Oct 21, 2011 | Blog, Cartoons, Pop Culture

I had a fantastic idea for a video to accompany this piece. The plan was simple: head over to Sbarro’s in Times Square, indulge in their $8.99 all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet, and capture the whole experience on camera. I was all set to share the greasy glory with the world. But as fate would have it, things didn’t quite go according to plan.

First off, I got way too much bacon grease on the camera lens, and now, most of the footage is practically unusable. Add to that the fact that my hands were as sturdy as a bowl of Jell-O, and what was supposed to be a mouthwatering, visually appealing video turned into a shaky, blurry mess. It’s almost like the universe conspired against me to ensure that this project would go awry.

As I reviewed the footage, frustration started to build. I found myself shaking my fist at the screen, channeling my inner Dr. Claw, and uttering those infamous words: “Next time, Gadget!” It felt fitting, considering that today’s art piece draws its inspiration from none other than Inspector Gadget.

There’s something about Inspector Gadget that has always captured my imagination. Maybe it’s the mix of humor, adventure, and a touch of absurdity, or maybe it’s the fact that no matter how many times things went wrong for Gadget, he always managed to come back with that same bumbling optimism. He might have been a walking disaster, but he never let that stop him from trying again—and again, and again.

As I set out to create this Inspector Gadget-inspired artwork, I realized that the spirit of the character was exactly what I needed to channel. Sure, my video might have been a bust, but that didn’t mean the entire project had to be. So, I embraced the chaos, leaned into the imperfection, and let the art take shape with all the quirks and glitches intact.

In the end, what emerged was something that I’m actually proud of—a piece that’s a little rough around the edges, but full of heart and character. It’s a reminder that sometimes, things don’t go as planned, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth doing. In fact, it’s those unexpected twists and turns that often lead to the most interesting results.

So, while this particular video might not have turned out the way I envisioned, I’m already plotting my next attempt. And you can bet that when the time comes, I’ll be shaking my fist at that FlipCam once more, ready to declare, “Next time, Gadget! Next time!”