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Snoochie Boochies!

by | Nov 2, 2011 | Blog, Movies, Pop Culture, Portrait

A year ago today, I was on a flight from Los Angeles to New York, reflecting on the exhilarating experience of wrapping my first feature film project. The film in question? Red State, a gripping “political horror” indie directed by none other than one of my creative heroes, Kevin Smith.

A Creative Triumph

Working on Red State was not only a significant career milestone but also a deeply meaningful accomplishment. Kevin Smith’s work has always resonated with me, and contributing to a project under his direction was both an honor and a transformative experience. The project not only marked a new chapter in my professional life but also highlighted the power of storytelling in its most raw and compelling form.

Rediscovering the Magic of Comics

Smith’s influence on my creative journey extends beyond film. His emotionally charged storytelling, combined with the brilliant work of Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev on Daredevil, reignited my passion for comics after a hiatus of six or seven years. Their work on Daredevil was nothing short of revolutionary, and it was Bendis and Maleev’s 25¢ Daredevil #41 that drew me back into the world of comics with renewed fervor.

This single issue not only reignited my love for the medium but also cemented a $200 monthly comic book habit, reminding me of the power and allure of great storytelling. It was a testament to how a well-crafted story can reawaken a passion and lead to new creative pursuits.

Looking Back and Moving Forward

As I look back on the past year, I am filled with gratitude and anticipation. The journey from being an avid fan to working on a feature film has been an incredible experience, underscoring the impact of creative storytelling on my life. The connection between my work on Red State and my love for comics illustrates the profound influence that great stories and creative vision can have.

With the past year setting a high bar, I am eager to embrace new challenges and continue exploring the realms of creativity. Here’s to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead and to the continued inspiration drawn from the art of storytelling.