Holy molies it’s already October?
I should have had a Pittsburgh Pirates logo ready on September 19th. (Or the Oakland Raiders, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, or any of the three million NCAA schools that use some swashbuckling derivative.) That was International Talk Like a Pirate Day.
So this Pirates Foogos, made atop a hot dog bun with spicy brown mustard – similar to yesterday’s Red Sox double header of the “B” and socks logos – is about two weeks late.
TANGENT: Happy birthday to my brother Nick. He wants a Red Bull Foogos. You and Tomas Goutersven both, buddy.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: I wrote this entry on Thursday. My brother’s birthday is on Friday. Today is Saturday. I. Am. A. Dullard.)
Not only do I think this captures the Pirates’ logo better than the Red Sox ketchup-on-bun Foogos, but I also had a lot more fun with the mustard blot the closed bun created.
This could be…
…a cobra ready to strike…
…two pigs getting bizzzzzzay, or…
…Cornelius from Planet of the Apes, aka Lyle Odelein (Google it).
Happy Saturday, Foogophiles!