12 Foogos of Christmas

In honor of the holiday season and the 12 Days of Chistmas, here’s a dozen logos I really want to execute in the near future, both here and with our friends over at SportsLogosNet, in no particular order: 1. Maine Mariners – AHL (Okay, this is definitely #1 on my...

The List of Stuff

It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here, with days blending into nights as I work tirelessly to ensure the success of the Foogos Food Drive. The idea started small, but thanks to the incredible efforts of my brother Steve, who managed to secure two...

Swab the Poopdecks!

Holy molies it’s already October? I should have had a Pittsburgh Pirates logo ready on September 19th. (Or the Oakland Raiders, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, or any of the three million NCAA schools that use some swashbuckling derivative.) That was International Talk Like a...