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THANK YOU, FOODIGGITY: Bacon & Egg Mittens

by | Apr 17, 2012 | Blog, Pop Culture

So I made this site to have a place to showcase my NHL food logos, and that quickly turned into open season for all logos, and now portraits and who knows where it goes next. (I’m a firm believer that if you aren’t moving forward, you’re going backward, so yeah, there will be something else eventually.) But the unintended side effect of throwing these photos of weirdness into a public forum is both in the random people I’ve met though the site – 0 kidnappings/Dateline fodder so far! – and the cool sites I’ve stumbled across along the way.

Leading the pack is Foodiggity.com. If you’re a little slow, or Tuesday afternoon is your Monday morning (nice life), the site is all about food. Weird food art (like Foogos), mind-numbing cakes like this Storm Trooper cake – which I so desperately wish I could clothesline into the ropes – Unicorn Poop, and so much more grace the World Wide Webs every day.

The highlight, for me, are the weird food-related items Foodiggity founder Chris Durso uncovers. Dictator Potato Heads are cool, and the thought of ice cream cone hanging lamps is tempting, but as a connoisseur of gloves*, and lover of all things awesome, I would be remiss if I didn’t share the following:


Yeah. BACON AND EGG MITTENS. Brought to you by TwinkieChan, brought to me by Foodigity. Honest to God, my first thought upon seeing these wonderful knitteries was, I am so happy my parents emigrated to the first world when they were younger.

Magnificent find, Foodiggity.

*Between my Canadian Olympic Mittens and bear paw mittens, I have picked up five girls in the last two years.

I wore these as I kissed Canadian women hockey players and bit their gold medals at some Vancouver bar the night they won the tournament.

Granted, they were all crazy, but that’s not the point. If you don’t have a cute dog or your sister won’t let you borrow her toddler son for day trips in New York City, outlandish gloves are chick magnets.