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The Penguin (Burgess Meredith)

by | Sep 13, 2012 | Art, Photos, Pop Culture, Tv

So that’s it. I’ve finally unwrapped all the villains from the 1966 Batman movie – Joker, Riddler, Catwoman, Penguin – that kicked off the TV series.

Batgirl, the Mad Hatter and King Tut are next, and I may go back and re-do the Dynamic Duo themselves. I had worked on them so early in this project that I hadn’t gotten into a flow of how the gummi bears worked best, something I didn’t achieve until the second wave of portraits that began with Mr. Freeze and The Riddler. (That’s the long-winded way way of me saying they suck.)

There’s a good chance I’ll round off this series with the civilians of the cast:

  • Commisioner Gordon
  • Chief O’Hara
  • Bruce Wayne
  • Dick Grayson
  • Alfred Pennyworth
  • Aunt… uh… I forget her name. Aunt Hilary? Harriet? I think it’s Aunt Harriet. I’m too lazy to check.
  • Barbara Gordon

There are still other villains I could gummi, but I haven’t decided yet. Off the top of my head, I remember Marsha, Queen of Diamonds; Fingers (played by Liberace!); the Archer; Clock King; Bookworm; Shame (a riff on the western movie, Shane); and Ma Parker. There’s probably more, and when the time comes, I’ll let Wikipedia handle the details.