Halloween is tomorrow. I’d like to sit here and say it’s my favorite holiday, but I don’t need Halloween to dress up like an idiot and overdose on JuJu Fruits. I do that any day of the week. I do oh so love the festivities of everyone else joining in with me, though. A month of scary movies, a long weekend of dressing up as a number of different characters: Naked Dr. Doom; Naked Radioactive Guy; the Ultimate Warrior aka Naked Painted Wrestler; and Superilla, the Superhuman Gorilla, a character I created last year with the intention of scripting and drawing a comic book. Foogos, my side project, took over and the two creations swapped places. Still, I hope to revisit the ape sooner rather than later. I plan on trick-or-treating in the Superilla suit to collect supplies for some Foogos.
As always, hear a few of this week’s sausage links:
I stumbled across another food artist this weekend. Check out these beautifully rendered pumpkin, pepper and melon carvings, by @PumpkinBrains. (Love the Twitter handle, too.)
Then, see these pumpkins. My head might splode.
You like food. You ARE reading this, right? Right? Well, if that’s the case, jump out of the weird pool of Foogos, and into the vast ocean of random foodness at Foodiggity.com. You may want to wait thirty minutes after eating, especially if you check out gross (edible) things in jars and ZOMMBIE. BON. BONs.
Halloween is all about stockpiling on goodies. Some folks aren’t so lucky. Help contribute to the Foogos Food Drive by donating to Feeding America, “the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity.” Whether it’s a dollar, ten, twenty, a hundred, ANY help is BIG help toward helping those less fortunate. For the donors who requested Lady Gaga condiment prints, I am all too happy to comply. Thank you all. The initial response has been OUTSTANDING! Take a look at the following photo, taken only 12 hours after going live with this endeavor.
Over 100 lbs of food collected in 1 DAY!
I think the last time The Simpsons aired a new Treehouse of Horror episode before Halloween was… uh, if it ever happened, it was when the show was relevant. I always hated that the Halloween episode would air on November 1st, November 4th, whatever. So stupid. Cut the NFL postgame report short; we all have internet and can find box scores ourselves. That said, now I’m inclined to actually watch The Simpsons this weekend.
Oh, that reminds me… Simpsons Foogos coming soon eventually.