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Week Links: October 23, 2011

by | Oct 23, 2011 | Blog, News


This week has been a rough one—thanks to the aftermath of the Columbus Marathon, I’ve been feeling like absolute doodie. To top it all off, I’ve caught some sort of bug that’s left me in a state of perpetual blah. But hey, when you’re down for the count, there’s always a silver lining, right? For me, that’s meant a whole lot of quality time with my iPad, and let me tell you, I’ve stumbled upon the most effed-up, yet strangely amazing, all-ages touch screen video game ever created: Monsters Ate My Condo. Trust me, it’s a wild, colorful mess that’s as addictive as it is bizarre.

But hey, life isn’t all about monsters and condos—there’s been plenty of other stuff on my radar. For starters, hockey season is in full swing, and as always, the NHL never fails to deliver its dose of adrenaline. My feeds are filled with the latest games, player stats, and, of course, those nail-biting moments that keep you on the edge of your seat.

Speaking of edge-of-your-seat moments, let’s talk about Lady Gaga. She’s been killing it lately with her unique blend of music and artistry. Whether it’s her latest single or her jaw-dropping fashion choices, she never ceases to amaze. Gaga has that rare ability to turn even the most mundane moments into something extraordinary.

In between all the excitement, I’ve been binging The Hillywood Show. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and check it out. Their parodies are a mix of clever humor and spot-on impressions that always leave me in stitches. And while I’m on the topic of entertainment, I’ve also been getting lost in the pages of Gutter Magic, a comic series that’s just as gritty as it is magical—definitely worth a read.

Now, I know this is supposed to be sorta food-related, so here’s a curveball for you: I’ve been experimenting with eating raw meat. Yeah, you read that right. It’s been an interesting journey—some might say a bit reckless, but hey, you only live once, right? Besides, it’s all about trying new things and expanding those culinary horizons.

And lastly, I’ve been keeping up with Schedule for One Fall, a wrestling podcast that’s a mix of nostalgia and the latest drama from the ring. It’s the perfect escape when you’re laid up in bed, needing a little bit of that high-energy, no-holds-barred entertainment.

So there you have it—a week filled with strange games, fierce hockey, a touch of Gaga, some hilarious parodies, gritty comics, and, of course, a dash of raw meat adventures. Here’s hoping I’m back on my feet soon, but in the meantime, I’ll just keep riding this rollercoaster of weird and wonderful distractions!
