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Where do Foogos Rank in World of Edible Superhero Items?

by | Dec 4, 2011 | Blog

I know you’ve probably asked yourself that question thousands of times… today… but thankfully, comicbook.com has saved us all the trouble of figuring it out, releasing the “Top 10 Comic Book Related Food Items.”


Believe me, I’m thrilled and flattered to even be mentioned in the same breath as Superman peanut butter, Spider-Man ice cream bars and PEZ, so it was a major shock to to my system to see where the fine folks of Comicbook thought Foogos ranked.

Then I re-read the article and saw it was in no particular order… It’s cool. I will settle for #8. (There is no way Incredible Hulk gumballs are cooler than Skeletor pudding. Even if it is soy. And not to sound biased, but Hulk syrup? Heinz and Pepsi both learned that the whole “new color, same great taste” thing NEVER works.)

Why are you such a masochist, Superman? Just tell the freaking guy why your peanut butter is delicious!

Thanks to comicbook.com for their kind words, and for making another list.

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