Crosbaby Food

I hate hate hate hate hate Sidney Crosby. And it’s not even because I’m jealous of his success or he’s so good or blah blah blah. Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely (and annoyingly) mythic to miss ten months, then come back and drop 4 points in your return. It’s...


When my buddy Brad approached me to create a piece of art for his bedroom, his request was simple: “a beach scene.” At first, I cringed at the idea. A beach scene? It felt like the epitome of cliché, the kind of artwork you’d find in a generic hotel room...

The List of Stuff

It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here, with days blending into nights as I work tirelessly to ensure the success of the Foogos Food Drive. The idea started small, but thanks to the incredible efforts of my brother Steve, who managed to secure two...

The Boxiest WWF Art Ever

I hope the title of this post rings true—because when it comes to epic projects, honesty is key. For those who thought I might have abandoned my ambitious WWF art project, fear not! This labor of love, which began back in the summer (July or August, to be exact), is...

Duck Hunt Update! (Phase 5)

Geez Louise, peppa cheese! It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to dive into an update for Duck Hunt, but here we are—phase 5 is in full swing! A Brief Recap For those who might have missed it, Duck Hunt is a classic video game that has held a special place in...